How Can You effectively Manage Defiant Behavior of Your Kids


Child Care Fullerton CA

If you have kids at home, you would agree that sometimes it becomes really tough to manage their defiant behavior effectively. If you are looking for some tried and tested methods to manage children’s rebellious behavior, you have reached the right place. Here Child care experts from Fullerton CA have shared certain effective ways to tackle disobedient kids.

Give positive attention:

You must be knowing that non-compliance is a great way for kids to get attention. Even though it is negative attention, ignoring non-compliant behavior encourages kids to be more compliant. Try to give your kids positive attention to ward off this attention-seeking behavior of non-compliance. Spend time with your kids, read books with them, play games or go for a walk together, talk to them, or just watch TV with your kids. Just a few minutes of positive attention is very helpful in reducing defiance.

Praise good behavior:

Sometimes it can be tough to notice good behavior when kids are reluctant to listen, it is important to look for the good behaviors to praise your kids. You can even create some situations or make some simple requests to you’re your kids just for praising their compliance. For example, at the dinner table, you may say, “please pass me one tissue paper.” Then as soon as they comply, praise them.

Give effective instructions:

Please give effective instruction if you want your kids to follow that. Sometimes it may so happen that kids show defiance as they are not able to comprehend the given instructions. So, try to establish eye contact or put your hand on their shoulder to get their attention first and then give the instructions.

Offer specific choices:

One of the effective ways to combat defiant behavior is to offer fewer choices to the little ones. According to the Fullerton CA preschool teachers, kids feel like they have some control over the situation once they are given options. So, instead of asking“Would you like to change your dress now?”, ask “ Do you want to wear the blue shirt or purple shirt?”

Create a reward system:

You can create a reward system if your kids demonstrate compliance. Instead of buying toys or any other materialistic objects as rewards, try to be creative in giving them rewards. For example, if your kids show good behavior, arrange a playdate with their friends or take them out for dinner or have a dance party at home.

Avoid power struggles:

Please avoid involving in a power battle with non-compliant kids. Their behavior may get worse if you start showing your power. Try to handle the situation tactfully and you can play the consequence game if required.

Seek professional help:

Seek professional assistance if you see extreme non-defiance in your kids as that can lead to some serious behavioral problems like oppositional defiant disorder.

It is easy to lose your cool when you see your kids defying you. But you need to be patient and think positively, then only you will be able to make some changes in their behavior.


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