
Showing posts from November, 2020

Negative Effects of Watching Too Much Television on Children

Nowadays most of the kids are hooked to the devices like TVs, tablets, and smartphones well before they can even start talking properly. Technology can be part of healthy childhood as long as this privilege is not abused. For example, In  Child Care Fullerton CA   students get help learning the alphabet on TV, grade schoolers can watch different educational channels like National Geography Kids, Animal Planet, or Discovery Channel or teenagers can watch quiz programs or sports channels. But having too much screen time is not at all healthy and it may lead to different problems. Negative effects of having too much screen time: Having too much screen time can contribute to poor grades, sleep problems, behavior problems, and most importantly obesity. Though there are many child-friendly educational programs available on different television channels, many shows are filled with stereotypes, violent solutions to problems, and mean behavior. If you have growing children at home please be